Macbook Pro Screen Blacked Out After Download

  1. Macbook Pro Screen Blacked Out After Download Torrent
  2. Macbook Pro Black Screen Crash
  3. My Macbook Pro Screen Is Black
  4. Macbook Pro Black Screen Startup

If your Macbook Pro 2016 or 2017 is experiencing only some of these symptoms—for example, it has a black screen, but there are still indicator lights—you will most likely be able to fix the issue on your own. However, all of these together symptoms generally indicate that the device is, more or less, completely dead.

Facepalm: Your MacBook Pro has 'failed,' the fans are whirring away like they normally would but the screen is black. What could be the problem? Two weeks and $10,000 in warranty repairs later, 'Geniuses' at Apple figure out its just a couple of key presses to adjust the LCD brightness. Turns out some of life's (and tech's) problems aren't as complicated as they seem.

MacBook Pro retina stuck on black screen after sleep mode I Am running macOS Sierra developer beta 2 and it's been working fine. But all the sudden when I try and wake it up it won't come out of sleep mode. I think have the same issue! I have a MacBook Pro Pro 'Core i7' 2.2 17' Early 2011. I've bought a new usb stick after seeing some usb issues during boot. I've redownloaded the Loki image, I've checked the download with sha256sum. I've flashed the usb stick with both UNetbootin and Startup Disk Creator. The screen goes completely black and stays that way for no apparent reason, sometimes shortly after turning the mac on and sometimes not all. Sometimes the screen simply never turns on and stays. #blackscreenfix #macbookrepair #macblackscreen This MacBook Pro is fall down in the flor and after that won't turn on right, my MacBook pro wont turn on.

Last month, a DJ's MacBook Pro caught fire and lately, photographer Greg Benz had an amusing experience with his laptop. The first time he noticed his MacBook Pro's screen had gone black, he reached out to Apple Support and got the machine's logic board replaced. When the same problem reared its head the second time, the logic board was changed again. The third time? A brand new MacBook replacement worth around $7,000.

Soon, the new laptop 'failed' again, for the fourth time, and it wasn't like Apple Support didn't go to great lengths to work out a fix. The troubleshooting involved input from several Apple Geniuses, multiple diagnostic tests at the Apple Store, level 1 and 2 tech support from Apple Corporate and two diagnostic tests at Apple's repair facility in Texas. Download java for mac os x version 8. It wasn't until two weeks of time and effort later, that an Apple Genius found out the rather embarrassing cause for the black screen problem.

'what was the root issue?…. Ready for it?…. I’m not joking…. the screen brightness was turned all the way down (not merely dim, but off).'

What the Apple Genius did was, quite genius really. Instead of going for more complicated fixes and expensive replacements, he shone his phone's flashlight onto the laptop display and noticed the user's avatar on the login screen. It was after performing a blind login that the screen brightness increased to its minimum value.

'It turns out that the screen pixels are updated even when the backlight is off (at least if the clamshell is open). But even he spent a good 20+ minutes trying other things before he thought to do that.'

It's worth mentioning here that Greg's workflow involves using an external monitor and since he's experienced glitches in the past with putting the laptop into clamshell mode, he keeps the lid slightly open to keep the laptop from going into sleep mode and turns down the brightness all the way down to avoid distraction. This, incidentally, also turns off the display's back light, making it pitch black and easily mistaken for a dead screen, which usually spells trouble.

Greg notes that the screen remains blacked out even after a restart and during recovery mode and that external monitors can't be used during boot and login because they're disabled for the said period. He's compiled a list of several design and support issues that might have mitigated this problem and sees them as an opportunity for Apple to take note of and fix this bug to potentially help in preventing other users from having the same awkward experience.

Macbook pro screen blacked out after download free

Update: Greg Benz reached out to TechSpot to provide further clarification regarding his MacBook repair story. According to him, third-party software installed on his MacBook conflicts with OS X and is responsible for the black screen during the machine's boot up. A MacBook Pro running OS X as it comes out of the box won't run into this issue.

The workaround he's suggested for anyone experiencing the same problem with the third-party software during boot up is this: Wait a few minutes after hitting the power until the machine is ready to login and then type the first letter of your user account, click enter, type your password and click enter again.

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The Touch Bar that appears off on Greg's machine during the login phase, preventing brightness adjustment, is assumed to be another software installed on his laptop. Contrary to his experience, two of his contacts tested their machines and results came up different: During login, the Touch Bar was visible and the display came up with a minimal level of brightness.

All in all, the issue is quite specific to Greg's machine and his usual workflow that involves using the external monitor and a conflict with a third-party software responsible for the black screen. 'Best I can tell is that I have both the unusual situation of rebooting while screen is black (due to external monitor use and some unrelated kernel panics while leaving machine running overnight) AND some kind of conflict that keeps the black screen setting from being adjusted to some visible level. So very hard to diagnose on my specific machine, but I don’t believe this would be the typical experience if someone else darkened the screen and rebooted their MacBook Pro,' he told me.

Although it took some time to figure the issue, Greg makes it worth mentioning that he loves his computer and its critical to his photography business. 'I have been using Apple computer for years and I am glad that I can say that this is a machine I would highly recommend.'

Image credit: Tianyi Ma

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Problems on MacBook Pro OS High Sierra can take different forms. However, among all of them, it is the Gray Screen of Death that is considered the most troublesome.

There are many possible causes why a MacBook Pro gets stuck on a gray screen. Surprisingly, too, there are lots of MacBook issues that get mistaken for the gray screen problem on MacBook Pro OS High Sierra. So to clear things out, continue reading below.

The MacBook Pro Gray Screen Issue

Believe it or not, the gray screen issue on MacBook Pros frequents every Q&A site. It seems that more and more MacBook Pro users running High Sierra are still unable to find solutions to their problem. Feels terrible, right?

Well, it only feels that way because many still have got no clue for a possible reason. But if you’re familiar with the nature of Macs, you should know that the chances of fixing Mac issues are high.

Interestingly, what those MacBook Pro users are seeing is not really a gray screen. It could simply be a black screen with a built-in Retina display that appears gray during the initial startup phase. Most often, the problem is reported to appear after restarting a MacBook Pro. There are instances , though, when the gray screen appears with the Apple logo or a spinning globe sign.

Now, how do we fix this gray screen problem?

6 Possible Solutions to Gray Screen Problems on MacBook Pro OS High Sierra

Of course, there are hardly problems that cannot be resolved. The same applies to your MacBook. Here are six possible solutions to your gray screen problems:


Solution #1: Disconnect All External Peripherals.

  1. First, shut down your MacBook by pressing the Power button.
  2. Disconnect all the peripherals connected to your MacBook, except the mouse. Be sure you also disconnect your headphones and any Ethernet cable.
  3. Switch on your MacBook.
  4. If you are already seeing a blue screen, then it means the problem is with one of the peripherals. Try to find the problematic peripheral by shutting down your Mac and reconnecting the peripherals one at a time.
  5. After identifying the faulty peripheral and you still see the persistent gray screen, it is possible that your mouse or keyboard could be the culprit. If you have an extra mouse or keyboard, swap it and test it out.
  6. Restart your MacBook.

If the display of forlorn grayness persists, then try the succeeding solutions.

Solution #2: Repair Your Hard Disk Drive Using Disk Utility.

Another possible culprit for your gray screen problems is your hard disk. To fix it, you have to run Disk Utility by booting your system into Recovery Mode.

Follow the instructions below for a step-by-step guide:

  1. Shut down your MacBook Pro by long-pressing the Power button.
  2. Hold down the CMD + R keys to power up your MacBook Pro again.
  3. You will be taken to the OS X Utilities screen.
  4. Select Disk Utility.
  5. Choose your MacBook Pro’s built-in hard drive under Disk Utility.
  6. Hit Verify Disk to continue.
  7. You should receive a notification that the problem has already been fixed.

Java download mac 10.6 8. If the gray screen still greets you, you still have four more options to try.

Solution #3: Safe-Boot Your MacBook Pro.

Have you heard of the function called Safe Boot? It works by performing certain diagnostics on your macOS to ensure everything is up and running. It so happens that this function can also get rid of your gray screen problems.

Pdf editor mac os. To run Safe Boot, follow these steps:

Macbook Pro Screen Blacked Out After Download Torrent

  1. Shut down your MacBook Pro.
  2. Wait for 10 seconds and restart it while pressing down the Shift key.
  3. Safe Boot will now start doing its job. Just wait for it to finish its task.
  4. It will notify you if it has already completed the diagnostics.

If this solution worked, restart your machine from the Apple menu. Otherwise, let’s find out what else you can do.

Solution #4: Reset the PRAM or NVRAM.

Sometimes, the problem is with your PRAM or NVRAM. These unique memory sections are notorious for causing troubles in Macs. Then again, they can be reset to their default settings. Although resetting to your default MacBook Pro settings will take time, it could be worth it.

Here’s how to reset the PRAM or NVRAM:

  1. Disconnect all the peripherals connected to your MacBook Pro.
  2. Restart your MacBook Pro.
  3. Before the gray screen shows, press the Command, P, R, and Option keys.
  4. Hold all the keys until your MacBook Pro restarts. You should then hear another startup sound.
  5. Release all the keys.
  6. If the gray screen no longer appears, reconnect your peripherals.

If you’re still unlucky, it’s time to get serious and try the last few solutions.

Solution #5: Repair Your Startup Drive.

You have already explored all possible solutions on how to fix your gray screen problems on MacBook Pro OS High Sierra, but the problem persists. Don’t worry, though, as you still have another solution!

While this can be a bit tricky, repairing your Startup Drive might just work for you. Here’s how:

Macbook Pro Black Screen Crash

  1. Start your MacBook Pro from an OS X Installer DVD.
  2. Insert the DVD installer into your optical drive.
  3. Switch off your MacBook Pro.
  4. Restart your Mac while pressing the C key. It will then take you to a menu for booting your MacBook Pro from the optical drive. You have three options from here. These are:
  • Start from an OS X Installer DVD
  • Start from the Recovery HD
  • Start from an External Drive
  1. Select one and follow the instructions provided.

If your MacBook Pro launches successfully with any of the three methods, then great. But if not, well, you still have one last solution to try.

Solution #6: Reinstall High Sierra.

If all else fails, you may reinstall High Sierra. Simply follow these steps:

My Macbook Pro Screen Is Black

  1. Shut down your MacBook Pro.
  2. Press the CMD + R keys and switch on your MacBook Pro again.
  3. A new window will pop up with the option Reinstall MacBook Pro OS High Sierra. Select it.
  4. Wait for the process to finish.

Hopefully, this solution has now fixed your problem.


Gray screen problems are common, but they may only be a result of peripheral or OS installation issues. We just don’t pay attention to the tiny things that may affect our MacBook’s performance, hence they accumulate and worsen over time. Lucky for you, you’re already spared from the time-consuming process of searching for solutions as we compiled the possible solutions to your gray screen problems.

Macbook Pro Screen Blacked Out After Download

Macbook Pro Black Screen Startup

There is one last thing you can do now to prevent MacBook Pro issues from popping up. Install Tweakbit Mac Repair on your MacBook Pro. This amazing tool can be used to run a quick scan on your MacBook to help you identify erroneous files or documents that may cause problems in the long run.

Macbook Pro Screen Blacked Out After Download

Did the solutions above help you with your gray screen problems on your MacBook Pro? Let us know below!

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