Virus Wont Let Me Open Anything I Download On My Macbook Pro

I have what I think is a virus on my macbook. Simply, I can't click on anything. The keyboard works, the trackpad works, but it won't allow me to click anything. This definately isn't a hardware issue as it won't allow me to click when I use my wireless mighty mouse either, again it just lets me move it. Sometimes your Mac won't shutdown because it has frozen. If you think that might have happened, try to move the cursor around and if it doesn’t move your Mac may have frozen. Macbook won't open anything. I've rebooted, tried everything, and nothing. Desktop and dock and menu bar appear, but my Documents and Downloads icons at bottom don't 'load' (they show empty) and no matter what I click on, nothing happens. Track pad and finder arrow are functional but literally nothing else. MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7) View 5 Replies View Related Intel Mac:: Webpages Open Super Slow (not Just In Safari)? Web pages open super slow (not just in Safari) on my imac OSX 10.6.8. I use a router and all other Apple devices work fine. Apple store says it's not my hardware. Comcast thinks it's not the DNS.

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Safari :: It Won't Open Any Webpages

Feb 26, 2012

This has been since the most recent update 10.7.3.The pages just hang but chrome and firefox work perfectly. Not sure if this is connected but the macbook also feels as thouhg its getting hotter than usual and uses more power.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

Safari Will Not Open / Connect To Webpages

Jun 21, 2012

I have searched through the forums here and google, and still have not found a solution. I have logged into other user accounts with the same results, but found that the guest account does work. I've actually booted the machine in target disk mode and deleted safari, then downloaded and reinstalled it, but through the process there are probably a lot of things I've missed. I've trashed the plugins, reset safari a billion times, and have even created a new location in network settings (per advice on another website). I'm not sure what else to try, short of wiping the system and re-installing (which seems drastic).
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

Applications :: Safari Virus - Can't Open Some Webpages / Ads Appear Instead

May 8, 2009

When i open some websites through safari (3.2.1) like youtube. i get sent directly to spam virus-wont-let-me-open-anything-i-download-on-my-macbook-pro.html, and then a link to ebay. I have tried resetting safari including its caches, and still the same thing appears.
Is there a way to get rid of these adds that are blocking my websites?, or what is the cause?

Safari Won't Open Many Webpages / Dropped Connection

Apr 4, 2012

Today I was working normally on my MacBook and then suddenly the page stopped working, and everytime I reloaded or tried a different link of the same page I got the following message: 'Safari can't open the page url... because the server unexpectedly dropped the connection. This sometimes occurs when the server is busy. Wait for a few minutes, and then try again.'I cleaned my cache and tried opening the webpage with Firefox and Opera and I get the same result.I have a Windows 7 partition and the webpage won't work either. While looking for a solution I notice that many webpages are not opening and I get the same message. I see that this has happened to many people, but I have not found a solution. I'm in China right now, it's the only real difference I can think, but I have been here almost a week and this happened until now.Mi mac is the MacBook Pro 15 inch and it's running with Mac OS X Lion 10.7. The system is not showing any updates to Safari.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7)

Intel Mac :: Webpages Open Super Slow (not Just In Safari)?

Apr 18, 2012

Web pages open super slow (not just in Safari) on my imac OSX 10.6.8. I use a router and all other Apple devices work fine. Apple store says it's not my hardware. Comcast thinks it's not the DNS.
Mac OS X (10.6.8)

Safari :: Installed Software Updates And Now Cannot Open Webpages?

May 13, 2012

I installed the software updates pushed to me the week of May 7, 2012 (installed them May 12th) and now cannot open certain web pages (examples and but am able to open others (ex. I installed an update to safari, one for security and another I cannot recall. Rebooted (twice) and still having the same problem. I have a Macbook running Mac OS X 10.6.8 and Safari 5.1.7.
MacBook (13-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.6.8), Safari 5.1.7

OS X V10.7 Lion :: Safari / Browser Won't Open Random Webpages

Jul 3, 2012

I am having problems with all of my browsers opening random websites. All was working fine until one day Safari simply refused to open a few random sites. I thought it was a provider glitch, but they said it's not and besides I have no trouble opening those same sites on my iPad and even from my Bootcamp Windows 7 system. I have no idea what is causing it, some sites simply won't open without any explanation. The browser just keeps loading and loading and loading, but no effect. To make matters even more confusing, it even won't load some images in the mail. The system is up to date.The problem is the same in Safari, Chrome, Opera and Firefox with same web pages. Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)

Software :: Unable To Open Safari And ITunes - Incomplete Webpages

Jan 25, 2010

I've had some problems accessing Safari Internet, which is what I used previously. I can access Internet Explorer, but all web pages are incomplete and jumbled; nor am I able to download anything, including trying to download Safari. My iTunes will not open either, and I cannot view any type of video, using Adobe Flash player. I never used to have any of these issues before. The current Internet setup is At&t Broadband. I am wondering if you might be able to suggest what the problem is, and how to remedy it.

MacBook Air :: Can't Open Some Webpages

Apr 19, 2012

I can not open some web pages, what can I do?

MacBook Air :: How To Get Safari On Mac To Load Webpages

Jun 6, 2014

Safari 7.0.4 on my MacBook Air (OS X 19.9.3) has stopped loading certian web pages -- it was working fine from my home network, but using my T-Mobile 4-G hotspot, it does not work anymore.Â
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9)

MacBook Pro :: Webpages Freeze When Opening After Safari 5 Installation?

Jul 9, 2010

I bought my MacBook Pro 13' 2.4 GHz in late April (new version). I have no added third party software. Everything worked fine until I did the Safari 5 update. Then web pages would freeze when opening for about 3-5 seconds. Then the page would finish opening.
I have also updated OS X to 10.6.4 after this started happening. It did not correct the problem. I experienced this at several locations, including the Apple store when doing one-to-one classes, so I know it's not a problem with my ISP.

Software :: Mac Wont Open Secure Webpages?

Aug 21, 2010

all of a sudden my Mac will not open secure websites like gmail, facebook--basically anything that would require a login/password. regular sites like still open. Additionally iMail can not download new emails anymore. I have rebooted, emptied the cache in safari, tried opening the pages in google chrome instead of safari, disabled parental controls, disabled IPv6 (read that somewhere). Our network is working otherwise, all the pages can open on other computers in the house. somehow my computer has been 'told' not to accept anything over the network that requires a password it seems!? The only thing that has happened was 1)the network was down for a while 2)my daughter may have pushed a bunch of keys on the keyboard.

Safari :: Won't Load Webpages

Feb 14, 2012

Starting yesterday Safari just won't load any webpages at all. It will start, the window opens and after that nothing happens. No matter what url I use.
I do have a stable internet connection. Firefox and Chrome both work fine but I do want to use Safari.

Safari :: 5.1.2 Does Not Load Any Webpages

Feb 25, 2012

I bought a brand new laptop from HP in September and within a week of getting, adding nothing more than a few starwars games, I installed Safari 5.x (I'm not sure the exact version). I opened it up and no webpages would load. I can access settings, open new tabs, the works. I simply cannot browse to any website at all. I can type in a web address and the loading bar starts, but then hangs all day at like 10%.
All other web browsers I've used work fine. So I uninstalled it. Again today I downloaded and installed safari 5.1.2. Same thing. I'm wondering what the problem is and have tried the netsh winsock reset trick and reinstalling etc. Nothing has solved it. I downloaded 4.0.5 while typing this and that does not seem to be working either. iTunes works fine. I have no proxy settings. My firewall is turned off. Could there be some other program that conflicts with Safari and only Safari?
Win 7 64bit Home Premium
Intel i7 2630qm 2GHz Quad core
Radeon hd 6770m
8GB ddr3 RAM
750 GB 7200rpm HDD (200GB free)
All drivers up to date
HP Laptop, Windows 7

Safari :: Why Can't Load Webpages

May 31, 2012

Since last update, Safari constantly gives the error message - Unable to load web page. Why not? Nothing new has been added to my system.
MacBook Pro (17-inch Early 2008), iOS 5.1

OS X :: Safari 4 Beta - Emailing Webpages?

Mar 4, 2009

I do a lot of Mail Contents Of This Page or emailing of webpages to my friends. Mail often crashes now when I try to do this. I sent a bug report to Apple already.

OS X :: Mac / Safari Saving Webpages (spying)?

May 7, 2009

I thought that I'd accidentally erased some important files, so I used Stellar Phoenix Data Recovery to scan my drive for deleted files. Many hours later, the app finished scanning my drive, and I decided to save all deleted files that it could find. What did I find in the JPEGs folder? I found JPEGs of whole webpage windows in Safari!!! There are tons and not of times when I would take a screenshot. There are large browser window images of my e-mail browsing, forum browsing, etc. And when I say large, I mean that if one has to scroll down to see a webpage, the image is actually of 2 vertical pages or so, so the images are of parts that would go off the page.
What the ***** is going on here? WHY or HOW can there be such image recordings on my hard drive? It's not cache in HTML but as JPEGs. The images are from Safari on Tiger, by the way.
Here are some examples:
If anyone has time to scan their hard drive for deleted files, please check on this browser window image thing. There are images of open e-mail messages, etc. This is ridiculous.

OS X :: How To Make Safari Webpages Appear Bigger

May 19, 2009

i know how to make text size bigger but i want the whole thing to remain bigger. anybody can tell me how to?

OS X :: Some Webpages Displayed With Another Font In Safari

Jul 6, 2009

Some webpages are turning up with the same font. It's the font named Snell Roundhand. Error pages, eBay information pages... stuff like that. It will disregard my font selection and go with that one.

OS X :: How To Change Safari Fonts Not Webpages

Nov 30, 2009

I'd like to change the font of Safari itself (not the font of the web pages). I have a 27 inch monitor now and sometimes find the font of lists (i.e. bookmarks) too small.

Safari :: Not Loading Any Webpages After 10.7.3 Update

Virus wont let me open anything i download on my macbook pro caseFeb 4, 2012

I did the update through software update, and I saw a lot of people having errors with that, but i did not get the cui error, my only issue is safari stopped loading any webpages.Â
If I try to enter an address in the bar and hit enter, it just beachballs, and than nothing happens, before it used to just keep trying to load it. Â Â
I than downloaded the combo updater, opened the dmg, and installed over it, restarted and same issueÂ
Prior to the combo update I repaired any file permissions as well. How do I get safari to work properly again? I even uninstalled the clicktoflash extension. Â
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

Safari :: Opening But Not Loading Any Webpages

Feb 26, 2012

It opens but doesn't load any webpage, it's not my internet as I'm typing this using Mozilla. but I don't understand why it wont load a webpage?

Safari :: Fails To Load Webpages?

Feb 28, 2012

Running Safari 5.1.2 (6534.52.7), OSX 10.6.8.Â
Okay I don't know what the deal is, but lately Safari has been having issues connecting to websites. Randomly happens on basically every website out there. Could be in a forum, press next to go to the next page and the balcnk page pops up unable to connect. It's Safari that's doing it, everything else is fine. I don't know what was pushed by Apple lately, but whatever it was, it broke Safari. It's getting annoying to say the least. The fact that it just randomly decides that it cannot load a page is so aggrivating. You'd think it would be able to load a page from cache that it just was at, nooo, it claims it cannot connect to the site and you have to reset Safari, exit, and HOPE, that it will actually let you visit a site that you frequent often... like even Apple's own website. There is something seriously wrong with it at the moment and it's getting to the point now where I will probably just stop using Safari altogether. It's just that annoying. How would you like to call your Mother and have the phone tell you no such number exists? Funny, I've called it a thousand times, but the phone is now telling me it doesn't exist. Then poof, it decides it does exist. Then it doesn't. Then it does.Â
2010 3.33GHz 6-core Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5), / 5870 / 27' ACD

Safari :: Turning Webpages Without Clicking?

Virus Wont Let Me Open Anything I Download On My Macbook Pro Case

Mar 20, 2012

Here's my question about one one of our most basic tasks. Is there a keystroke or series of them one can push instead of clicking the arrow on the upper left side? Pushing some buttons together instead to check out your history of recent sites.
Mac OS X (10.6.8), iMac 3.06 GHz

Safari :: Some Webpages Are Impossible To Print?

Mar 27, 2012

I can e-mail content but if I try to print the page falls apart. What to do?
Mac OS X (10.7.3)

Safari :: Opens But Does Not Connect To Any Webpages?

Jun 29, 2012

For quite awhile now, nearly a year, I have not been able to connect to the iTunes store from iTunes, nor am I able to connect to we pages with Safari. I'm using Microsoft Windows. I've tried multiple web pages, and all of them do not open, leaving me with a blank white screen, and in the task bar at the bottom it will say 'Contacting ''. Also, these pages open in other browsers. What is wrong?

Applications :: Scratchy Text On Safari Webpages?

Jan 14, 2010

Every once in awhile I'll go to a webpage (usually not the same one every time), and some of the text will be Scratchy looking (for lack of a better term). Kind of like those website verification systems where you have to type in the letters and numbers they give you, but there are lines scratched all over them so that bots can't read the picture and fill in the letters and text automatically. Here is a picture of what I'm talking about: The only thing that I can think of that might be causing this is that I have like 1,500++ fonts loaded on my computer and it might just be getting confused with all those fonts running simultaneously.

Software :: Safari And IE Not Loading Webpages Correctly

Virus Wont Let Me Open Anything I Download On My Macbook Pro Model

Jul 21, 2009

I'm running MAC OS X version 10.3.9 on an iMAC (1.8GHz).
Lately I've noticed that when safari loads (Safari 1.3.2 (V312.6)) certain web pages, they either load only partially or not at all. Some pages flash constantly. I'm also seeing a pop up window that states that 'safari can't open the page .... because it cannot establish a secure connection to server....'
With IE, certain websites bring up the message 'the application internet explorer has unexpectedly quit. The system and other applications have not been affected.'
So far, I have attempted changing the firewall settings, security settings to no avail.
I run an internet connection with connexus that otherwise appears to function properly.
Prior to the above, there seemed to be no major issues with my iMAC.

Virus Wont Let Me Open Anything I Download On My Macbook Pro 2020

Safari :: Won't Fully Load Webpages Until Refresh

Apr 22, 2012

For several months now safari has not been loading web pages properly (not them all, it is a bit random, but maybe every 3rd or 4th page I open?). The blue loading bar gets to about 1.5 inches from the end and stops. I can then click on the bar and refresh and it loads no problems but this is highly inconvenient and I can't seem to fix it. Â
I have reset safari, updated all software, I am on a mac book pro, I have Version 5.1.5 safari. Â
Would this be an internet problem rather than a software problem? How would I check.Â
It's not very convenient when you're doing something important like trying to get tickets for an event and then it jams, and you know you need to refresh but if you refresh you've lost the tickets...
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)